COVID-19, Physiotherap, Rehabilitation, PneumofunctionalAbstract
In view of the current public health context based on the pandemic, SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that, as part of the pathophysiological process, generates a multisystemic infection, which can cause sequelae, affecting mainly the respiratory, musculoskeletal, and cardiovascular systems. A physiotherapeutic evaluation of the patient is of utmost importance to analyze the functional capacity and its limitations, as well as an individualized rehabilitation to treat and prevent complications caused by the post-COVID-19 syndrome, resulting in an improved quality of life and the patient's return to normal daily activities. Under this assumption, the present study aims to report cardiorespiratory aspects of a clinical case concerning a patient with post-COVID-19 syndrome by proposing a physiotherapeutic intervention. This article is a case study carried out at the UNIFUNEC Rehabilitation Clinic in the city of Santa Fé do Sul/SP. The present study was approved by the Ethics and Research in Human Beings Committee of the Fundação Municipal de Educação e Cultura - FUNEC with CAAE 50124821.7.0000.5428. The results indicated an improvement in fatigue and dyspnea on slight effort, a decrease in coughing and tremors, and an improvement in the respiratory exercises and global muscle performance. The results suggest that the application of the proposed protocol was effective for the treatment of the clinical case described. Complementary studies are suggested, with the objective of validating this proposition.
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