Main therapeutic conducts for the rotator cuff: a narrative study
Rotator cuff, Shoulder injuries, RehabilitationAbstract
Rotator cuff (RC) injuries are responsible for the most common cause of shoulder pain, with a higher incidence among women aged between the 4th and 5th decades of life, and are eventually bilateral, characterized by pain on the anterolateral aspect of the shoulder, which hinders abduction with external or internal rotation of the glenohumeral joint. In this study, the aim was to highlight the main therapeutic conducts for the rotator cuff. A narrative review was carried out by searching for articles in the following databases PubMed and the Virtual Health Library. A total of 570 articles were found, with a predominance of the qualitative and descriptive methods for the proposed issue. Thus, it is inferred that the knowledge and physiotherapy by professionals for clinical intervention and treatments of RC are important points for good cognitive rehabilitation. Consequently, prepared professionals and effective treatment bring benefits both the patients and to the evolution and outcome of the RC injury, and, thus, result in savings for the public health services.
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