Neuromotor intervention in physiotherapy treatment in motor development of children with autistic spectrum disorder
Autism, Motor physiotherapy, Autism spectrum disorder, Motor developmentAbstract
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that causes impairments in social-communicative and behavioral areas. Individuals show changes in movements and gestures with few adaptations, which impairs motor growth, balance and laterality, basic functions for autonomy and cognitive learning. This research aims to describe the importance of motor physiotherapy for the development of children diagnosed with ASD. For this integrative review, the Bireme and PubMed databases were used to investigate studies published 2018-2021. The data was collected from February 15 to September 26, 2022. The final sample of this review consisted of four online journals and one course conclusion paper, which were selected using the inclusion and exclusion criteria. In the end, only five papers were chosen to compile the results. In these studies, it was observed that physiotherapy is of paramount importance in the follow-up of children with ASD to lead to a better quality of life and interaction within the family and society, which positively benefits the motor progress of children with ASD. Thus, it can be concluded that motor physiotherapy is effective and important for the treatment of children with ASD, since it promotes improvements in their overall development. Therefore, more research and studies are needed to provide scientific support to professionals and academics in the field.
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