Evaluation of ergonomic satisfaction with the neurofunctional treadmill New Cicle among physiotherapists and students at the FEF clinical school





Treadmill, Neurofunctional, Ergonomics, Physical Therapy


This study examines the ergonomic satisfaction provided by the neurofunctional treadmill NEW CICLE, an innovative tool widely used in physical therapy for neuromuscular rehabilitation. The objective was to assess ergonomic satisfaction among physiotherapists and academics, considering the benefits of the technology in a rehabilitation context. This descriptive, quantitative study involved a sample of 29 volunteers (FEF faculty physiotherapists and students). A 13-item questionnaire was used to evaluate the ergonomic satisfaction index. Among participants, 26 rated the ergonomics as excellent, and 3 as good, indicating a high level of approval for the equipment. It was concluded that the NEW CICLE treadmill offers significant ergonomic working conditions, enhancing comfort and treatment effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Camilo FM, Calori M da S, Camilo FC de SM. Evaluation of ergonomic satisfaction with the neurofunctional treadmill New Cicle among physiotherapists and students at the FEF clinical school. BioscHealth [Internet]. 2024 Nov. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 3];2:1-6. Available from: https://bioscienceshealth.com.br/index.php/jbh/article/view/42



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