Pelvic floor muscle physiotherapy in female population with vaginismus: an integrative study




Vagina, Pelvic floor, Vaginismus, Sexual dysfunctions, psychological, Physical therapy modalities


Vaginismus is an sexual dysfunction that causes persistent or recurrent involuntary contraction of the pelvic floor muscles. Besides it, the fear of pain that a woman may feel even before sexual intercourse can be considered one of the main determining factors that can influence the mental health, harming your conjugal life. The purpose of this study was to research the literature on the role of physiotherapy of the pelvic floor muscles in females with vaginismus. The study is an integrative review with qualitative data approach regarding the condition of vaginismus, its main clinical aspects and therapeutic intervention. The MeSH terms mentioned in the search strategy were used to compare the studies during the eligibility analysis. Electronic databases such as SciELO, Virtual Health Library and PubMed were used for the development of the review and two Boolean operators were employed for the search of articles. Six manuscripts were selected and thus describing the main results of the study. Besides these, data with physical therapy approach in women with vaginismus were grouped into different themes, identifying and describing the synthesized data as relevant and significant points for the cognition of vaginismus. Therefore, the therapeutic model has a relevant and important role, since it can be used in the design of interventions for the treatment of vaginismus.


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How to Cite

Garbin BM, Codinhoto FA, Camargo GG, Orioli GB, Barros MM, Garbin R de F. Pelvic floor muscle physiotherapy in female population with vaginismus: an integrative study. BioscHealth [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 27 [cited 2024 Sep. 18];1:1-13. Available from:



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