Main literary approaches to cognitive understanding in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases




Cardiovascular diseases, Treatment, New drugs, Medical devices, Surgical techniques


Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death worldwide. Therefore, the use of therapeutic interventions is essential for the treatment and care of the patient's quality of life. The aim of the study was to investigate the main literary approaches to cognitive understanding in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Pubmed and the Virtual Health Library were used as databases, with an “AND” strategy for combining search terms related to the proposed theme. 73 articles were found, but only 23 were selected for the study. Therapeutic approaches offer hope for patients with cardiovascular disease, providing more effective treatment options. In addition, advances in the research and treatment of cardiovascular disease represent a significant milestone in cardiovascular medicine, offering new hope to people around the world affected by debilitating heart problems. Therefore, it is concluded that the qualitative data from the research shows the effectiveness of different therapeutic modalities in the management of cardiovascular diseases, offering prospects for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.


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How to Cite

da Silva GP, Pires RW, Rota GR, de Morais TAB, Pedrão MD, Oliveira JT de A, et al. Main literary approaches to cognitive understanding in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. BioscHealth [Internet]. 2024 May 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 3];2:1-7. Available from:



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