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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The article could not have been published in any other journal.
  • The article must be submitted in Word format. The author should attach an anonymous article that will be sent for evaluation and a second copy with the article with the authors' identification. The text must be justified, typed in Time Calibri, size 12, with 1.15 spacing and 1.5 cm margins.
  • During the article submission process, it is mandatory to include the ORCID ID. The ORCID identifier is obtained free of charge at:
  • The approved article is property of BioscHealth, and its subsequent publication in other media, both print and online, is not allowed.
  • After the article is approved, no changes in the authors' names will be allowed.
  • Authors who wish to reproduce any figure, table, or text from another source must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s). This evidence of permission must be included upon submission of the article.
  • Papers involving research on human beings or animals must have ethical approval. In addition, a Certificate of Ethical Approval must be submitted.
  • The paper that does not conform to the journal guidelines or if metadata is not filled out correctly during the submission process will NOT be considered for peer review and will be returned to the authors.
  • Authors are expected to submit a Statement of Authorship Contributions, as an example of participation in the development of the paper, drafting and writing of the textual chapters, formatting, final proofreading, and author approval.
  • After the review process, a publication fee of R$ 300.00 will be charged for national authors and US$ 100 for foreign authors.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

  • Manuscripts must be submitted exclusively via the Electronic System, through the link:
  • During the article submission process, it is mandatory to include the ORCID ID. The ORCID identifier is obtained free of charge at:
  • The paper submitted to BioscHealth must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • The article cannot have been published in any other journal.
  • The approved article is property of BioscHealth, and its subsequent publication in other media, both print and online, is not allowed.
  • The article must be submitted in Word format. The author should attach an anonymous article that will be sent for evaluation and a second copy with the article with the authors' identification. The text must be justified, typed in Time New Roman font, size 12, with 1.5 spacing and 2.5 cm margins.
  • After the article is approved, no changes in the authors' names will be allowed.
  • Authors who wish to reproduce any figure, table, or text from another source must obtain permission from the copyright owner(s). This evidence of permission must be included upon submission of the article.
  • Papers involving research on human beings or animals must have ethical approval. In addition, a Certificate of Ethical Approval must be submitted.
  • The journal does not charge a fee for article submission. When the article receives the "accepted for publication" opinion, the authors must pay a publication fee.
  • The paper that does not conform to the journal guidelines or if metadata is not filled out correctly during the submission process will NOT be considered for peer review and will be returned to the authors.
  • Authors are expected to submit a Statement of Authorship Contributions, as an example of participation in the development of the paper, drafting and writing of the textual chapters, formatting, final proofreading, and author approval.

Guidelines for manuscript submission

The manuscript submitted to BioscHealth should be structured in Word, following the format below.

Title Page

Title: Portuguese and English (Size 14, Times New Roman, capital letters and words, centered, bold)

Author(s): Name(s) of author(s) with department, represented by superscript with affiliation and Country, example below.

Jhames Francson Holl1, Soares Torres Franciscon1, (Size 12, Times New Roman, centered)

1Department of Health Sciences, Faculdade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, (Size 10, Times New Roman, justified alignment)

Abstract: Portuguese and English. The abstract should contain a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 250 words, including the theoretical background, objectives, methodology, results and conclusion. Furthermore, the abstract must not contain undefined abbreviations. (Size 12, Times New Roman, justified alignment)

Keywords: Portuguese and English. Provide 3 to 5 descriptors that can be used for indexing purposes. (Size 12, Times New Roman, justified alignment)

Manuscript structure

1. Introduction: theoretical background, including the problem under study and the objective of the study; 2. Methodology or Material and Method: set of procedures used in the research process, addressing the methodological basis; 3. Results: The authors should disclose what was found in the study. 3. Results and Discussion: The authors must present data obtained in the research, as well as provide comments and interpretation of the data; 4. Discussion: comment on and interpret the data collected in the research; 5. Conclusion or Final Considerations: present the findings of the research in a clear and objective manner.


Articles in English

Title (English); Title (Portuguese); Author(s); Abstract (English); Keywords (English); Abstract (Portuguese); Keywords (Portuguese); Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgements (if any); Statement of conflict of interest; References; Appendix (if any).

Title (English); Title (Portuguese); Author(s); Abstract (English); Keywords (English); Abstract (Portuguese); Keywords (Portuguese); Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgements (if any); Statement of conflict of interest; References; Appendix (if any).


Articles in English

Title (English); Title (Portuguese); Author(s); Abstract (English); Keywords (English); Abstract (Portuguese); Keywords (Portuguese); Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgements (if any); Statement of conflict of interest; References; Appendix (if any).

Title (English); Title (Portuguese); Author(s); Abstract (English); Keywords (English); Abstract (Portuguese); Keywords (Portuguese); Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Results and Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgements (if any); Statement of conflict of interest; References; Appendix (if any).


Articles in English

Model 1 - Title (English); Title (Portuguese); Author(s); Abstract (English); Keywords (English); Abstract (Portuguese); Keywords (Portuguese); Introduction; Case description; Results; Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgments (if any); Conflict of interest declaration; References; Attachment or Appendix (if any).

Model 2 - Title (English); Title (Portuguese); Author(s); Abstract (English); Keywords (English); Abstract (Portuguese); Keywords (Portuguese); Introduction; Case description; Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgments (if any); Conflict of interest declaration; References; Attachment or Appendix (if any).


All tables must be referenced and inserted into the text in numerical order (Table 1. Table 2. etc,) with a concise caption. During the submission process, each table must be submitted in a separate file using the Table function in Microsoft Word.


All figures must be mentioned and inserted in the text in numerical order (Figure 1. Figure 2. etc.) with a concise caption. During the submission process, each figure must be sent as a separate file, using TIFF or JPG format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and a maximum width of 18 cm.


Scholarships (specialization, masters, doctorate, post-doc) and/or any other financial support for research should be included in the "Acknowledgements", with the name of the agency and the protocol number when it is possible.

Conflict of interest statement

Authors must report any sponsorship, funding, or benefit received from governmental, commercial, or non-commercial sources, and declaring that there is no personal, commercial, academic, political, or financial conflict of interest in the manuscript.

In-text citation

Citations throughout the text should be accompanied by number in brackets, in ascending order, example: [1,2]; [3-5]. If the author's name occurs naturally in the text, the citation follows after the author's name; example: As Ramos [2] points out that the wavelength is fundamental in photodynamic therapy.


Only studies which are actually referred to in the text should be included in the references. The reference list should follow the Vancouver style. BioscHealth does not accept references from conference proceedings and abstracts. Authors should also avoid theses, dissertations and monographs. Follow the instructions and examples at: If authors encounter any difficulties in formatting the reference in Vancouver, they can use the link "".

Authors' names

Authors are designated by the last name (first letter capitalized and the remaining letters lowercase) followed by the initials of the name. Papers with up to six authors, all authors must be inserted. If there are more than six authors, insert up to the sixth name, followed by the expression et al.


One author: Ramos RR.

Two authors: Ramos RR, Franklin TF.

Six authors: Ramos RR, Franklin TF, Liam MB, Benjamin DW, Huerbin WR, Noah EL.

Seven authors: Ramos RR, Franklin TF, Liam MB, Benjamin DW, Huerbin WR, Noah EL, et al.

The title of the paper

The title should be described with the first letter capitalized and the other letters and words in lower case, in case of a subtitle, all words should be in lower case. If any pathogenic bioagent is present in the title, the first letter is capitalized; Roman numerals are capitalized.


Intensive treatment of lymphedema and mobilization of liquids in body segments

Photodynamic action of protoporphyrin IX derivatives on Trichophyton rubrum

Title of the journal

Do not use italics in the title of the journal. The title of the journal should be abbreviated according to the norms of the Medline and/or LILACS databases. Use the NLM Catalog for international journals and the Portal of Journals in Health Sciences for national journals. These bases to find the correct journal abbreviations.

Publication date; volume: (edition number, if any) pagination.

The year of publication must be indicated in Arabic numerals.



Indication of volume and edition number.



Provide the number of the first and last page of the article in Arabic numerals. When the article is numbered in Roman numerals, convert the Roman numerals to Arabic numerals.


Example: 2022; 2(4):27-31.


Following the pagination, insert the "DOI" number when available. For this process, search the metadata of the references in the Crossref site ( and copy the DOI. In case the DOI is absent, insert the link of the journal where the article appears.

Referencing an article

Last name INICIALS. Title of the paper. Journal Title. year of publication; volume(issue number):page series. DOI or Available at: URL

Ramos RR, Paiva JL, Gomes JPFDS, Boer NP, Godoy JMP, Batigalia F. Photodynamic action of the red laser on Propionibacterium acnes. An Bras Dermatol. 2017; 92(5):622-5. 10.1590/abd1806-4841.20175651

Ramos RR, Paiva JL, Gomes JPFDS, Boer NP, Godoy JMP, Batigalia F. Photodynamic action of the red laser on Propionibacterium acnes. An Bras Dermatol. 2017; 92(5):622-5. Available in: <>.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.